Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Mobile phones on airplanes

It was some days ago, when my friends and I, were trying to find the reason of forbidding the use of electronic devices on an airplane. I decided to do a small research on internet about this and I found this.

The result of researches on the impact of mobile phones on airplanes lead to the permitting of the use in the near future. This is stated here.

To conclude, there was no reason to forbid the use of mobile phones on airplanes..

1 comment:

andreadi said...

Αν δεν κάνω λάθος όμως το σήμα των κινητών τηλεφώνων επηρέαζε τα ηλεκτρονικά συστήματα παλαιότερου τύπου αεροσκαφών.